
Superevent Information

Superevent ID S230525g
Category Production
FAR (Hz) 1.131e-17
FAR (yr-1) 1 per 2.8025e+09 years
t0 1369078181.07
tend 1369078182.07
Links Data

Event Information

Group CBC
Pipeline spiir
Search AllSky
Instruments H1,L1
FAR (Hz) 1.131e-17

Per-Pipeline Event Information

UID Group Pipeline Search gpstime FAR (Hz)

Log Messages

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Analyst Comments

Log Comment

This is another public comment. 

Submitted by Alexander Pace on October 19, 2023 19:35:47 UTC
Log Comment

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Submitted by Alexander Pace on May 30, 2023 20:03:19 UTC

Sky Localization

Log Image

Test file upload.
Submitted by Alexander Pace on May 25, 2023 19:29:29 UTC

Full Event Log

No. Submitter Comment
82 Alexander Pace

This is another public comment. 

analyst_comments lvem public
72 Alexander Pace This is a comment to be made public analyst_comments lvem public
18 Alexander Pace Test file upload. (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public